"blag-it" Forum
Info, Notices and Support => Help wanted requests => Topic started by: cybernut on 03 April, 2019, 06:20:05 AM
Just wondering things that I mustn't allow in posts I make on the forum?
Hi cybernut, thank you for your question. Main no-no's that can't be allowed in posts or replies to them are anything racist, sexist, threatening, abusive, copyright infringing or of an overtly obscene or pornographic nature.
For more info please see:
General Posting Guide and Rules (http://www.blag-it.com/index.php/topic,4.0.html)
(http://www.[/font)ciberpen.com/terms-of-use-for-blag-it.html]Forum terms of use
How about posts that just don't look right that don't make much sense? ::)