Author Topic: General Posting Guide and Rules  (Read 27547 times)

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General Posting Guide and Rules

« on: 24 March, 2019, 06:12:01 AM »
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blag-it Admin

Posts: 543

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To create a post/topic, click on the forum of your choice under the required section.

Then select NEW TOPIC.  This presents you with a 'Subject:' heading or field, a 'Message icon:' drop-down options list (default option is  Standard), an array of post editing and formatting options, a row of smilies and then a large text box.

Simply give the subject heading that you want and then type the post text into the box using the editing/formatting options required, then click on 'Attachments and other options' and select the action/s you want applied to the post.  If required, use the 'Attach:' option to upload a file, such as an image.  Then apply the 'Spell Check' and 'Preview' options. Finally, click on 'Post' to submit the topic.

Posts and responses to posts cannot have the following: 
Content that is racist or sexist or obscene, whether textual or graphical. 
Content that amounts to hate speech in any way. Content that amounts to harassment of other users. 
Content that is libellous or defamatory. 
Content that is deliberately false or misleading. 
Content that attempts to impersonate or plagiarize another individual or organisation without consent.  
Content containing links to pornographic or obscene material

Users that do so will have their threads and or responses to threads removed for a first offence.  
For a second offense the user will be formerly warned.  
Upon a third offence the user will be banned!
« Last Edit: 06 April, 2022, 10:04:04 AM by blag-it Admin »